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360 drone panoramas specifications

The Globhe standards for drone 360 drone panoramas

The Globhe standards will be applied if others are not specified in your order.

360 drone panoramas are high-resolution, interactive images captured by drones that provide a comprehensive and immersive view of a location or space, as well as an immersive visual experience. With their ability to capture the entire surroundings in a 360-degree field of view, these panoramas offer you a virtual tour-like experience, allowing you to explore and engage with the environment from the comfort of your own devices. 360 drone panoramas can be used in industries such as forestry, construction, and urban / land-use planning to document and visualize environmental projects' progress (such as reforestation/afforestation efforts), perform environmental impact assessments, and conduct site surveys, among others. They provide stakeholders with an accurate representation of the environment, facilitating better decision-making, collaboration, and communication throughout the project lifecycle.

Deliverable specifications

Flight height

Definition: the altitude or elevation at which a drone operates when taking 360 panoramas.

Globhe standard: at 30, 60, and 90 meters AGL* from at least 2 different locations of the area of interest, to have a complete overview of the surroundings.

*Above Ground Level = the altitude or vertical distance between the drone's current position and the Earth's surface.

Spatial resolution / Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)

Definition: the level of detail and clarity with which the physical features on the Earth's surface are captured and represented in drone images. The spatial resolution defines the size of the smallest object that can be distinguished in drone images and it is typically measured in terms of the ground sampling distance (GSD), which represents the physical distance on the ground covered by each pixel. The GSD achieved is a function of the drone sensor/camera specifications and the flight height. The resolution of 360 panoramas depends on the images' GSD and stitching process.

Globhe standard: from full HD (1920x1080) - 4K (4096 x 2160 px) RGB drone cameras, depending on the requirements.

Data format

Definition: stitched panoramas - JPEG (.jpg).

Optional: RAW images - DNG (.dng).

Drone models and sensors

GLOBHE relies on a wide range of commercial drone models available through our Crowddroners, including but not limited to multirotors (i.e. quadcopters, hexacopter, octocopters) and fixed-wing, mounted with every sort of sensor as payload*.

*Payload = the additional equipment or devices that are carried or attached to a drone in order to perform specific functions or tasks. These payloads can vary depending on the purpose and capabilities of the drone. The most common drone payloads are RGB cameras for aerial photography or videography, sensors for data collection (such as thermal, multispectral imaging, or LiDAR sensors), and specialized equipment for tasks like seedlings, crop spraying, or search and rescue operations.

If the drone model and/or sensor are not selected, the GLOBHE team will choose the suitable drone needed to meet technical requirements, also based on availability.


Margherita Bruscolini
Head of Drones
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