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What is a Hyperspectral Drone Sensor

Introduction to Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectral sensors represent a leap forward in remote sensing technology, capturing images across hundreds of closely spaced wavelengths. Unlike the familiar RGB sensors that collect data in three broad color bands (Red, Green, and Blue), hyperspectral sensors dissect the spectrum into many narrow bands. This allows for the detailed analysis of the light reflected from surfaces, providing a wealth of information about the materials and conditions of those surfaces.

How Hyperspectral Sensors Work

Hyperspectral imaging collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. Each object reflects light in a unique way, creating a distinct spectral signature. By capturing these signatures across a wide range of wavelengths, hyperspectral sensors can identify and differentiate between materials and conditions on the Earth's surface with high precision.

Applications of Hyperspectral Sensors

  • Agriculture: Precise monitoring of crop health, disease detection, and nutrient levels by analyzing the spectral signatures of different crops and their conditions.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Detection of pollutants in water, monitoring vegetation health, and mapping biodiversity by identifying the unique spectral signatures of various environmental elements.
  • Mining and Geology: Identification of minerals and rock types, mapping geological formations, and exploring for resources by analyzing spectral data.
  • Forensic and Security: Detection of specific materials or chemicals, aiding in forensic investigations or environmental monitoring.

Advantages of Hyperspectral Imaging

  • Detailed Analysis: Provides detailed information about the physical and chemical properties of materials, far beyond what RGB or multispectral sensors can offer.
  • Material Identification: Can identify and differentiate between specific materials and substances with high accuracy.
  • Versatile Applications: Useful across a wide range of industries, from agriculture and environmental science to mining and national security.

When to request Hyperspectral Sensors

  • Complex Analysis Needs: When your project requires detailed information about the material composition of the surveyed area.
  • Advanced Agricultural Monitoring: For in-depth analysis of crop health, including disease detection and stress analysis.
  • Environmental Studies: When detailed environmental monitoring is needed, including pollution detection and ecosystem analysis.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Cost: Hyperspectral imaging systems are generally more expensive than RGB or multispectral cameras, making them a significant investment.
  • Data Complexity: The vast amount of data collected requires specialized knowledge and software for processing and analysis.
  • Operational Challenges: Due to their complexity and data requirements, planning and executing hyperspectral imaging missions can be more challenging than those using simpler systems. However, this is something Globhe is doing for you, but you need to understand that the costs will increase for this type of application.


Hyperspectral sensors offer unparalleled detail and precision in remote sensing, making them a powerful tool for a wide range of applications. Their ability to detect and analyze the unique spectral signatures of materials provides critical insights into the health of crops, the condition of the environment, and the presence of specific minerals or chemicals. While the cost and complexity of hyperspectral imaging may be higher than other types of aerial sensors, the depth and quality of the data it provides can offer invaluable benefits to projects requiring detailed material analysis. Understanding the capabilities and applications of hyperspectral sensors can empower clients to make informed decisions, leveraging this advanced technology to meet their specific project goals and achieve outcomes that were previously out of reach.


Andreas Nordansjö
Chief Marketing Officer
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