Global health

Globhe's drone data marketplace platform is the ultimate solution for clients working in global health. Obtain real-time, high-resolution aerial data from drones crucial for effective healthcare planning, disease surveillance, and optimizing public health services.

Our platform speed up projects by up to 80%, thanks to our ready-to-fly global coverage of professional drone operators. By utilizing skilled local drone operators, we minimize downtime and remove the complexity of data collection for global health projects.

Globhe: short for Global Health

Unlock the power of Globhe

Embrace the transformative possibilities of drone technology and unlock a new era of global health advancements.

Experience our innovative platform that seamlessly transforms the way drone data is collected, planned, executed, and managed.

With certified drone pilots across the globe, we guarantee unparalleled data quality and accuracy. Leverage our advanced drone data collection management capabilities for data-driven decision-making and tap into the potential of transformative drone technology.

Impact: Fighting Malaria

"We had issues scaling data collection, but with the help of Globhe, we can now easily scale by outsourcing flights to local drone pilots"- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Research shows that drones sent out through Globhe provide insights reducing the time spent locating, monitoring, and managing existing and new larvae breeding sites.

Malaria is one of the top three causes of death in Malawi among children under five years old. Every year, malaria is estimated to cost Africa more than $12 billion us dollars.

Read the full Blog Post >>

Book a demo

Get some facetime with our experts, and take a closer look at our marketplace. Learn how to leverage our platform to get better pricing, standardize data collection and make your order management more effective.

Globhe featured at COP28

GLOBHE's Drone Data Marketplace has been recognized as one of COP28's 50 Actionistas, highlighting our dedication to building a better planet for all. Our marketplace leverages crowdsourced professional drone operators to drive transformative projects, showcasing our commitment to shaping a sustainable future.

Visit the Official COP28 project page for GLOBHE here.

Read the full post here

Request access to Globhe's marketplace

Request access over 11,000 drone operators in 147 countries bidding on your drone data requests. The world's largest drone data marketplace.